Posted Date: 08/10/2022

I am excited to see the start of the 2022-23 school year.   As classes are set to start on Monday, August 22nd, I want to provide you with some information as we start the school year.  

Meet the Teacher  

  • Meet the Teacher will be next week, August 18th, from 2:30-6:30 pm for all buildings.

  • Transportation questions can be answered at elementary and high school offices during this time. 

  • The basic 22-23 PK-5 supplies have been provided by the Diggins Baptist Church for your child.

  • Anyone who would like to sign up for up to date information on current events, including school closings, can register to participate in the REMIND texting program. You can text @2223ford to the number 81010.  


Eagle Families Online Registration 


Breakfast and Lunch

  • The Fordland District was notified about a change in the breakfast and lunch program that has been in place the last two school years. For the last two school years, PK-12 students have received free breakfast and lunches, but this program came to an end at the end of the 2021-22 school year.   The district will return to the pre pandemic breakfast and lunch program.  The levels will return to either full pay, reduced, or free breakfast and lunch prices.  Per the school district policy, students can only charge up to $ 15.00 on their food service accounts.  Any students who are over the $15.00 limit will be given an alternate lunch.  

  • We need every family to fill out a free and reduced lunch form so our Fordland students do not miss out on money from the federal and state government.  The form is attached to this email and is on the school website under quick links.  Turn the completed form into your child’s school office.


COVID-19 Information

  • Masking will be optional during the 2022-23 school year.  If you would like a mask(s) for your child(ren), please contact the main office in your child’s building.

  • The district can still provide a quick-result COVID-19 BinaxNow antigen test to students.  If you would like to set up an appointment with the school nurse for the antigen test, please call Nurse Jen at 417-767-6133.


We are looking forward to a great year! If you have any questions, please reach out to the central office.   It is a great day to be a Fordland Eagle!                                                                   

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Dr. Chris Ford

Superintendent of Schools

Fordland R-3 School District